Signs Of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a social problem. It is a mistake to think that homeless people or people with unsuccessful lives become drug addicts. It can affect anyone. Drug problems can have someone in our environment whom we do not suspect at all and despite this have a great job a wonderful family or good grades in school and many friends.

Drug addiction is a disease and like most diseases, it can be related to everyone. There are many subtle signs of addiction that are very easy to miss. A drug addict rarely admits to being ill and almost always denies being addicted. You need to be able to see the details in order to react and help in time.

Signs of drug addiction

The addict often has behavioral changes. Suddenly changes interests completely. Fluctuations in mood and activity appear - from excessive excitement and excess energy to apathy. Friendship with old friends ceases and in a short time, new acquaintances appear from nowhere. Clothing style new hairstyle earrings tattoos may change. At the same time, launches in the field of personal hygiene may appear.

Attacks of aggression and anger occur which pass in a minute. More often such a person can be caught in a lying fraud. The face which until that time was close to us moves away closes in itself lives in its own world. These symptoms are so general that one can only speculate about problems. In addition, this behavior can cause depression. Changes in behavior are not always noticeable. Our life has acquired a fast pace so there is not enough time to be attentive even to those who are close to us. But sometimes it’s worth stopping.

It is also worth paying attention to the appearance. The consequence of drug abuse is a dramatic decrease in weight. Changes in the color of the skin of the face are also striking - it becomes salty and pale in addition skin changes on the face may appear. The pupils are dilated or constricted. Other obvious signs of drug use are injection marks and bruising.

Symptoms of drug use

The effect after drug use depends on the type of drug composition dosage and whether it is the first use or not. Below are the common manifestations of the use of specific drugs:

marijuana and hashish  cause increased appetite relaxation exacerbation of smell and taste euphoria wanton laughter disorientation sleepiness increased sweating rapid pulse;

Ecstasy  - jaw clenching eye twitching sweating increased heart rate and blood pressure anxiety agitation;

LSD  - loss of sense of direction distance and time hallucinations high blood pressure sweating paranoia agitation dilated pupils;

Hallucinogenic Mushrooms  - dilated pupils sudden mood changes hallucinations caused by a sense of fear a sense of isolation disconnection from reality;

Amphetamine  - a large excess of energy good mood insomnia lack of appetite dilated pupils anxiety;

Cocaine  - dilated pupils euphoria increased sensory perception increased hearing;

Heroin  - constriction of the pupil’s drowsiness vomiting itching;

Manifestation of addiction

Each drug is addictive: some to a lesser extent others to a greater. This happens because the body has adapted to the constant supply of drugs and now without a psychoactive substance it ceases to function properly.

Narcotic drugs can affect almost any organ in the body. Marijuana abuse can cause a dry lingering cough. Prolonged catarrh and nosebleeds may indicate amphetamine use. Drugs affect the general lifestyle of the body which is manifested by weakness fainting nausea vomiting changes in the rhythm of emptying.

Narcotic drugs negatively affect the body’s immune system making the body unstable against infections. Jumps in blood pressure and body temperature may appear. The condition of the teeth is deteriorating. Soreness appears in different parts of the body. Loss of appetite is noticeable. Disorders of the mental system appear as disturbances of consciousness excessive sleepiness apathy - one of the most frequent manifestations of prolonged addiction. Hallucinations may appear.

Do you take drugs?

It is not always easy to recognize that you are using drugs. If there are no symptoms that clearly indicate addiction but if there are any doubts it is better to play it safe and talk. Drugs add addiction and destroy health. Even though drugs are illegal they are still available. Addiction is an insidious disease that exploits human weaknesses.

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