Best Book For Weight Loss Motivation

Safe Weight Loss. Can I Lose 10 Kg In A Week?

All diets can be divided into two types: popular and unpopular. It would seem that the mouth of the masses, who enthusiastically picked up the food, should speak the truth, but in reality, for some reason, everything turns out to be precisely the opposite: popular diets, on which half the world sat out, do not give effect, and unpopular ones, on the contrary, work fine. Why, then, do people “peck” on the former? It’s simple: the thing in the eternal, like the world, the desire to get everything at once. Popular diets, as a rule, say: “In a week or two you will be able to lose 10 or even 15 kg! All you have to do is to suffer these two weeks, starve yourself, have patience, but at the end of this period you will find ecstasy and bliss - a new stunning figure. ” Unpopular diets contrast zoned study: “Your 20 extra pounds you will lose slowly,

What in this situation will choose the average representative of the human race, which has only one desire - to quickly part with the ill-fated fat? In 95% of cases - will prefer a diet that promises quick and significant results. The right marketing policy has left no one indifferent! The second type of menus or, it would be more correct to say, food systems are chosen by people who have already burned themselves on popular diets and realized that only cheese in a mousetrap is easy and free. However, before hanging the labels, declaring one food the focus of evil, and the other - getting rid of all ills, let’s see whether it is possible to lose weight very quickly?

If You Lose Weight Too Fast

Theoretically, you can lose weight quickly enough - up to 3-5 kg ​​per week; and even practically - with the help of specific “brutal” diets, at the end of the week you can fix the epoch-making movement of the scale switch as much as five divisions counterclockwise. But the problem is what exactly happens when you lose weight too fast. You do not lose weight at all - just your body gives everything that it needs and does not require - from ballast (water, digestion products) to the most valuable (muscle mass). The rate of depletion of fat reserves is finite and limited, so no matter what you do, you cannot lose more fat per unit of time. But water and muscle - you can.

Also, in the process of rapid weight loss, the body enters a state of extreme stress… He perceives such a rigid diet as a real hunger, exhaustion; he understands that something terrible is happening that threatens his life. And, therefore, having made an instant concession in the form of lost kilograms, he will quickly regroup - to adapt to the new conditions of existence. New requirements are hunger, exhaustion; therefore, it is considered desirable to work in an economical mode, which means minimal energy waste and accumulation of fat mass from literally everything that enters the body. The diet ends quickly, but the “rollback” of the body lasts much longer.

Rate Your Level Of Stress Tolerance…

On the one hand, the body quickly regains its weight loss.- Due to water and fat (muscle mass is recovering much slower - or never if you do not apply individual efforts to this), even faster than you dumped it. Moreover, its composition changes qualitatively - the proportion of fat increases about the proportion of muscle mass. On the other hand, the organism (for which a sufficiently long “memory” is characteristic) does not forget about the previous famine; he is on his guard and is still working in an economical mode, not losing the opportunity to save a couple of hundred grams of fat for a rainy day. Here is the final result of any radical diet-swoop: everything quickly returns to normal, only often - and with the deterioration of the overall condition of the body. This is the standard harm of diets that are focused on long-term weight loss.

“Pitfalls” Slimming

In addition to the desire for “freebie,” that is, the desire to lose at once and a lot, losing weight often make the same mistakes, occur on the same rake. Therefore, it is essential at the initial stage, just starting to lose weight, take into account all the “pitfalls” and try to avoid a collision with them.

  • Diets with a disproportion of essential elements. Foods in which there is a severe imbalance of the primary nutrients - proteins, fats, and carbohydrates - are uniquely harmful to the body, since they create a deficiency of certain substances. Everyone knows about it, but still stubbornly chooses the “Cabbage Diet” and “Slimming on Apples,” tempted by the quick result. Remember: if there is a shortage of any element in your diet, the body will try with all its might to fill its deficiency, but harm to health, in general, will be done. Diet must be balanced!
  • Zero calories, zero physical activity. A very unhealthy version of weight loss, which most often does not end with anything: the emphasis on low caloric intake and at the same time an almost complete lack of physical activity. Losing weight in this way, you lose muscle mass, and the rest is not maintained in a proper tone. As a result, you lose weight slowly and sluggishly, and the “new” body looks flabby and weak, the spine is not supported correctly, muscle mass is underdeveloped.
  • Disbelief in their strength. Often, a person who realizes that the only direction of movement for him is the path to losing weight does not believe in his power and, therefore, hopes for someone’s miraculous help. The mass of charlatans is profiting from this feature of the human psyche. A person chooses everything: dietary clinics, surgery, liposuction, invented stars of the express diet, tips from fake specialists, etc. - and all this instead of the most obvious, namely, natural weight loss with the help of its forces, without the intervention of outsiders. For the same reason, people trying to lose weight often turn their backs on the right track, hearing about a new diet or nutritionist, because, again, they don’t trust themselves, they don’t believe that they know best what to do and how to bring it to an end.

How Many Kilograms Can I Lose In A Week?

The figures on this score are very different - from 5-6 to 1 kg, with a vast difference, and in mind often have not perfect physiologically about the rate of weight loss, but in principle the weight that you can get rid of. But to correctly calculate your prospects and then monitor the correctness of the process of losing weight, you must first estimate what time you will need to achieve your goal and lose weight by a certain number of kilograms.

Physiological and healthy is considered a loss in a month of weight equal to 2-3% of the total body weight. In order not to engage in long calculations, we define an approximate average statistical rate; it is 0.5-0.8 kg per week for women and 1-1.2 kg per week for men. That is how many pounds you can drop a week without harm to the body and your health.

So, for example, if you weigh 90 kg, and the formula for calculating the ideal weight gives you a result of 63 kilograms, then to achieve the result you need to lose 27 kg. We take the female rate of 0.5 kg per week; to lose 1 kg, you need two weeks. So, it takes 54 weeks to get rid of 27 kg - about 13 months, more than a year.

To more accurately calculate your ideal weight and anthropometric parameters, complete the Anthropometric map!

Determining the speed of losing weight is real, you will not be impatient in the future, as you initially tune in on a long journey. Also, losing weight in this way, you will know that you get rid of excess fat, and not from water or muscles. Also, slowly dropping the weight and returning is not in a hurry: even if you achieve a result, you will lose your temper and start eating as before, the pressure will of course return, but slowly enough so that you will have the opportunity and time to pull yourself together take action.

Lose Weight Forever: Signs Of A Good Diet

Speaking of errors, “rakes” and traps, it is impossible not to turn to an alternative. We have already figured out how fast the weight should go, but by what other signs can you find out a good, proper diet - even if it is seemingly unsightly, requiring effort, not promising an instant result, but effective, effective?

  • The first and foremost feature is the balance of effort and result. Since nothing from nowhere is taken and by itself does not go anywhere, it is logical to assume that to achieve the effect (getting rid of X-kilograms) you need to apply a certain amount of forces. So: if these components are balanced in the diet, if you are offered to make an effort to get the effect and take up your diet, food system and life in general seriously, then the menu deserves attention. If the minimum efforts promise you “golden mountains” and “stunning forms,” treat the food with skepticism.
  • The second sure sign of a good diet is a balance. Look through the list of allowed products or the proposed menu, evaluate whether all product groups are included in it, are all elements present? If yes, then the diet will not harm your health, if not, think carefully before you take it and all the more follow it.
  • The third sign is complexity. A good diet takes into account not only the menu but also the daily routine, level of physical activity, additional procedures (massage, sauna, and swimming pool).

Other Signs Of A Good Diet: What Diets Have The Right To Life?

And finally, the surest sign of a good diet is that only within the framework of such a food system you are invited to reconsider your attitude to food, and then restructure your diet by the rules of healthy eating. A good diet is a model of how to eat, not only to lose weight but also to maintain your ideal weight forever, for many years.

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